Interactive Exploratory Data Analysis with Visualization
stopauthor: Bruceshark
stoptags: visualization, plot, graph, table, general
stopjs libraries: graphic-walker
(full meta data to go here)
Annotate text and images with your own labels
stopauthor: jwijffels
stoptags: Text annotation, Image annotation
stopjs libraries: recogito-js annotorious
Interactive 3D brain viewer
stopauthor: dipterix
stoptags: visualization, 3D, webgl, MRI
stopjs libraries: threejs
An htmlwidgets binding for the pdf javascript library to view pdf directly on the internal viewer.
stopauthor: yonicd
stoptags: visualization, general
stopjs libraries: pdf, jQuery
An htmlwidgets binding for the jsTree javascript library to interact with heirachry structures.
stoptags: visualization, heirarchy, data managment, general
stopjs libraries: jsTree, jQuery, bootstrap
An htmlwidgets binding for the d3js editable splines with animation.
stoptags: visualization, general, scatter
stopjs libraries: d3
An htmlwidgets binding for creating interactive phylogenetic trees.
stopauthor: zachcp
stoptags: phylogenetics, trees, biology
stopjs libraries: phylocanvas
An htmlwidgets binding for creating interactive multiple sequence alignments.
stoptags: sequence, alignment, general, biology, DNA
stopjs libraries: msa
An htmlwidgets binding for the d3js trees.
stoptags: visualization, reactive query
stopjs libraries: d3,cycle,d3-tip
An htmlwidgets binding for the slick carousel.
stopjs libraries: slick
An htmlwidgets binding for the datamaps package.
stopauthor: ramnathv
stoptags: visualization,maps
stopjs libraries: datamaps,d3
An htmlwidgets binding for the Cal-Heatmap plugin.
stoptags: visualization,calendar,heatmap
stopjs libraries: Cal-Heatmap,d3
Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps. This package makes it easy to create Leaflet maps from R.
stopauthor: rstudio
stopjs libraries: leaflet
This package provides a function datatable() to display R data via the DataTables javascript library.
stoptags: tables
stopjs libraries: DataTables
An R interface to the dygraphs JavaScript charting library. It provides rich facilites for charting time-series data in R.
stoptags: visualization,timeseries
stopjs libraries: dygraphs
An htmlwidget interface to the MetricsGraphics.js D3-based charting library.
stopauthor: hrbrmstr
stoptags: visualization,general
stopjs libraries: metricsgraphicsjs,d3
An htmlwidget for making streamgraphs.
stoptags: visualization,steamgraph
A port of Christopher Gandrud’s d3Network package to the htmlwidgets framework.
stopauthor: christophergandrud
stoptags: visualization,networks
An htmlwidgets binding for three.js.
stopauthor: bwlewis
stoptags: visualization,3D
Easily create graph diagrams using R.
stopauthor: rich-iannone
stoptags: visualization,diagram,networks
stopjs libraries: d3,viz,mermaid
R interface to sigmajs library.
stopauthor: jpmarindiaz
stopjs libraries: sigma
stoptags: visualization,bubbles
stopjs libraries:
R Htmlwidget for d3plus.
stopjs libraries: d3plus,d3
Isotope layout library for rendering R data frames as interactive galleries.
stoptags: grid
stopjs libraries: isotope
A table widget based on Max Guglielmi’s “HTML Table Filter Generator” and D3.js.
stopauthor: ThomasSiegmund
stoptags: tables,visualization
stopjs libraries: TableFilter,d3, jQuery Sparklines
An htmlwidgets implementation of Handsontable.js, a minimalist Excel-like data grid editor for HTML & JavaScript.
stopauthor: jrowen
stopjs libraries: handsontable
An htmlwidget for dimple.js. The goal is beautiful, customizable d3.js charts with minimal code and no knowledge of JavaScript.
stopauthor: timelyportfolio
stopjs libraries: dimple,d3
sortableR attempts to harness some of the power of Sortable.js.
stoptags: structure
stopjs libraries: sortablejs,d3
R htmlwidget for parallel-coordinates d3 chart.
stoptags: visualization,parallelcoords
stopjs libraries: parcoords,d3
A package of R htmlwidgets to interactively view and maybe modify lists. Provides one interface to jsoneditor.
stopjs libraries: jsoneditor,d3
Gives R users an easy way to add panning and zooming to any R graphics (base, ggplot2, lattice, and lots more).
stoptags: visualization
stopjs libraries: svg-pan-zoom
R htmlwidget to export other htmlwidgets and SVG as png.
stoptags: export
stopjs libraries: exportwidget
Intense-images htmlwidget for R.
stopjs libraries: imageR
R interface to chartist.js.
stopauthor: yutannihilation
stopjs libraries: chartist.js
An R interface to phylotree.js, a JavaScript interactive viewer of phylogenetic trees.
stopauthor: sdwfrost
stoptags: visualization,biology
stopjs libraries: phylotree.js
Interactive Graphics FOR QTL Experiments.
stopauthor: kbroman
stoptags: visualization,qtl,genetics,biology
stopjs libraries: d3, d3-tip
An htmlwidget wrapper for Highcharts and Highstock APIs.
stopauthor: jcizel
stoptags: visualization,general,stocks
stopjs libraries: highcharts
Create great circles arcs via d3, Shiny, htmlwidgets and R.
stopauthor: homeaway
Create jquery sparklines from R.
stopauthor: htmlwidgets
stoptags: visualization,sparkline
stopjs libraries: jquery.sparkline
An htmlwidget interface for d3 word cloud.
stopauthor: adymimos
stoptags: visualization,wordcloud
An htmlwidgets interface to the c3.js d3 charting library.
stopauthor: HarlanH
stopjs libraries: c3js
R bindings for dc.js.
stoptags: visualization,stocks
stopjs libraries: dc.js
R interface to Benjie Chen’s extension of Mike Bostock’s scatterplot matrix.
stoptags: visualization,scatterplot
An interface to Bokeh that provides a flexible, powerful, declarative framework for creating interactive plots.
stopauthor: hafen
stopjs libraries: bokehjs
A D3.js-based heatmap htmlwidget for R.
stoptags: visualization,heatmap
R interface to the pivottable library.
stopauthor: smartinsightsfromdata
stoptags: visualization,pivot,table
stopjs libraries: pivottable
Formattable data structures.
stopauthor: renkun-ken
stoptags: table
d3 Bubble Chart htmlwidget.
stopauthor: jcheng5
stoptags: visualization,bubbles,scatter,plot
D3 Scatterplot Matrices.
stopauthor: garthtarr
stoptags: visualization,scatterplot,pairs
Circle plot with bundled edges.
stoptags: visualization,hierarchical,layout,bundle,networks
KaTeX in R.
stoptags: math,LaTeX
stopjs libraries: KaTeX
An htmlwidget for Responsive-Nav.
stoptags: toolbar,navigation,html
stopjs libraries: responsive-nav
Games as htmlwidgets for R.
stoptags: game
stopjs libraries: EntangledClone
Materialize front-end web framework as an htmlwidget in R.
stoptags: CSS,template,html,framework
stopjs libraries: materialize
Comic (xkcd-like) effects for R output.
stoptags: xkcd,cartoon,comic
stopjs libraries: comic.js
Slider htmlwidget your images based on lory.js.
stoptags: slider,html
stopjs libraries: lory.js
Interactive Venn/Euler diagrams in R.
stoptags: visualization,sets,venn
stopjs libraries: d3, venn.js
R htmlwidget for flowtype.js.
stoptags: html,text
stopjs libraries: flowtype
R htmlwidget for SweetAlert.
stoptags: html,alert,popup
stopjs libraries: SweetAlert
R htmlwidget for d3.js sequences sunburst.
stoptags: visualization,sunburst
R htmlwidget for d3.js hive plots.
stoptags: visualization,hive
Interface to the cal-heatmap Javascript charting library.
stopauthor: durtal
stoptags: visualization,heatmap,calendar
stopjs libraries: d3, cal-heatmap
R wrapper for the famaous coffee-wheel visualization.
stopauthor: armish
stoptags: visualization,treemap,hierarchical,wheel,zoomable
A wrapper for the full-featured taucharts d3.js charting library.
stopjs libraries: taucharts,d3
Interactive network visualizations with the VivaGraph js library.
stopauthor: keeganhines
stopjs libraries: vivagraph js
Chess validations, piece movements, check detection, and chessboard plotting.
stopauthor: jbkunst
stoptags: chess
stopjs libraries: chessjs,chessboardjs
R interface for d3 wordcloud.
stoptags: d3,wordcloud
stopjs libraries: d3,d3-cloud
Create interactive web graphics via Plotly’s JavaScript graphing library.
stopauthor: cpsievert
stoptags: d3,webgl
stopjs libraries: plotly.js
Draw interactive time-series bar, line, area, and donut charts with morris.js
stopauthor: tutuchan
stoptags: vizualisation,general
stopjs libraries: morris.js
Display differences between two files using the codediff library.
stopauthor: muschellij2
stoptags: text
stopjs libraries: codeeiff.js
Make ggplot2 graphics interactive.
stopauthor: davidgohel
Interactive Google Maps
stopauthor: SymbolixAU
stopjs libraries: Google Maps Javascript API
A wrapper for the ‘highcharts’ library
Interactive viewing of spatial objects in R.
stopauthor: tim-salabim
stopjs libraries: leaflet.glify.js, jquery
Create D3 JavaScript force directed graphs from R.
stopauthor: ShingoYamamoto
Create interactive radar charts using the ‘Chart.js’ JavaScript library.
stopauthor: dougmet
stoptags: visualization,radar
stopjs libraries: chart.js
API for using the ‘amCharts’ library.
stopauthor: Djaiff
stopjs libraries: amCharts
‘rgl’ in the htmlwidgets framework.
stopauthor: dmurdoch
stoptags: visualization,3D,crosstalk
D3 JavaScript scatterplots from R.
stopauthor: juba
Thematic maps for visualizing geographic statistical data.
stopauthor: mtennekes
vis.js library for interactive network visualization.
stopauthor: bthieurmel
stopjs libraries: vis.js
A wrapper for CanvasXpress.
stopauthor: neuhausi
stoptags: genomics,heatmap,network,scatter,genome,venn,cloud,treemap,boxplot
stopjs libraries: canvasXpress
c3.js library for simple charts.
stopauthor: mrjoh3
stoptags: visualization,plots,charts
stopjs libraries: c3.js
d3pie.js library for simple pie and donut charts.
stoptags: visualization, pie and donut charts
stopjs libraries: d3pie.js
Create interactive timeline visualizations in R.
stopauthor: daattali
stoptags: visualization,timeline
R binding to wordcloud2.js library for interactive wordclouds.
stopauthor: lchiffon
stoptags: visualization, wordcloud
stopjs libraries: wordcloud2.js
Visualization component suite with a simple normalized API.
stopauthor: jeffbaumes
stopjs libraries: Candela, LineUp, UpSet, OnSet, Vega, GeoJS
Interactive Collapsible Tree Diagrams using ‘D3.js’
stopauthor: AdeelK93
stoptags: d3, visualization, networks
Visualization of a diff git.
stopauthor: abossi
stoptags: diff, git, visualization, diff2html
stopjs libraries: diff2html
Create Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using ‘plotly’.
stopauthor: talgalili
stoptags: visualization,heatmap,plotly,d3,clustering,dendrogram
Bring D3plus visualizations to R
stopauthor: paulofelipe
stoptags: d3,maps,treemaps,networks
stopjs libraries: D3plus
A morpheus.js-based heatmap htmlwidget for R.
stopauthor: cmap
stopjs libraries: morpheus.js
Add tiny dynamic charts on an interactive map to represent at same time multiple variables and their evolution.
stopauthor: FrancoisGuillem
stoptags: visualization,leaflet,map
stopjs libraries: leaflet.minichart.js
Combine multiple htmlwidgets in a single one and dynamically modify their data and their graphical parameters.
Provide interactive multi-track circular visualizations, with the ‘BioCircos.js’ library.
stopauthor: koalive
stoptags: visualization,genome,circos,circular,multi-track
stopjs libraries: BioCircos.js
Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript Billboard Library.
stopauthor: pvictor
stopjs libraries: billboard
An htmlwidgets binding for the LineUp.js library.
stopauthor: sgratzl
stoptags: visualization, lineup, ranking, table, crosstalk
stopjs libraries: lineupjs
UpSet.js is a re-implementation of UpSetR to create interactive set visualizations for more than three sets.
stoptags: visualization,upset,upsetr,set,venn diagram,crosstalk
stopjs libraries: upsetjs
Interactive Stem-Lolipop Mutation plots for R-users
stopauthor: freezecoder
stoptags: genomics,NGS,bioinformatics,mutation
stopjs libraries: muts-needle-plot
Create responsive, interactive network plots using Sigma.js
stopauthor: iankloo
stoptags: visualization,network,graph
stopjs libraries: sigmajs
Exploding Box-Plots in R
stopauthor: homerhanumat
stoptags: data visualization, D3
stopjs libraries: d3-exploding-boxplot
View 2D matrix as image with brightness/contrast settings
stopauthor: yapus
stopjs libraries: d3, jQuery
ECharts version 4 for R
stopauthor: echarts4r
stoptags: 3D, webgl, echarts
stopjs libraries: ECharts
A thin R wrapper for the ECharts library
stopauthor: helgasoft
stoptags: general,3D,maps,svg,webgl,crosstalk
This package provides a function aggrid() to display R data via the ag-grid library.
stopauthor: no-types
stoptags: tables, AgGrid, pivot table
stopjs libraries: agGrid, jQuery
Interactive Maps using WebGL
stoptags: visualization, maps
stopjs libraries:
Moving bubbles chart
stopauthor: chengvt
stoptags: visualization, bubbles, plot, animation
Comparative bar charts
stopauthor: daranzolin
stoptags: visualization, bar charts, d3
Interactive Continuous Cartograms.
stoptags: visualization,maps,d3
stopjs libraries: cartogram-chart
D3 Raindrop Visualizations
stoptags: visualization, d3
R interface to wavesurfer.js.
stopauthor: athospd
stoptags: visualization, audio
stopjs libraries: wavesurfer.js
R Interface to the parcats trace of plotly.js with marginal histograms for numerical features.
stopauthor: erblast
stoptags: visualization, d3, parallel_categories_diagram
Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript ‘ApexCharts’ Library.
stopjs libraries: ApexCharts
Create Interactive Visualisations with the JavaScript ‘tui-chart’ Library.
stoptags: visualization,general,map
stopjs libraries: tui.chart
Create Interactive Calendars with the JavaScript ‘tui-calendar’ Library
stoptags: time,calendar
stopjs libraries: tui.calendar
3D Network Visualisation for large monopartite graphs.
stopauthor: JohnCoene
stoptags: visualization,network,graph,3D
stopjs libraries: ngraph
A ggplot2-inspired grammar of graphics for interactive visualisations.
stoptags: visualization,grammar
stopjs libraries: g2
Interactive globes for R.
stoptags: visualization,globe,map,geo
stopjs libraries:
R interface to venn.js
stopauthor: anfederico
stoptags: visualization, d3, venn
Complex interactive heatmaps
stopauthor: AliciaSchep
stoptags: visualization, heatmap
stopjs libraries: plotly
All Types of Correlation Charts using ‘plotly’
stopauthor: MaheshKulkarni
stoptags: visualization,matrix, scatter plot, autocorrelation, correlation, normal distribution, plotly
Create an Interactive Pivot Table with Data Analysis Tools
stopauthor: feddelegrand7
stoptags: data,tables, pivot table, data summary
stopjs libraries: webdatarocks.js
Interactive trees.
stopauthor: stla
stoptags: hierarchical data,checkbox tree
stopjs libraries: jsTree, jQuery, jstree-bootstrap-theme, jsTreeGrid
Some shaders.
stoptags: shaders,webgl
stopjs libraries: PixiJS, Hamster.js
Find a pattern in some files.
stoptags: utility
stopjs libraries: ansi-to-html
Interactive 3D charts.
stopjs libraries: vis-graph3d
Interactive charts.
stopjs libraries: amCharts4, regression-js
The Ace editor.
stoptags: utility,code editor
stopjs libraries: react-ace
The Monaco editor.
stopjs libraries: Monaco Editor
Image Annotation and Polygon Outlining using Free Drawing
stopauthor: valcu
stoptags: utility,image annotation, locator
stopjs libraries: fabric.js, jQuery
An R interface to the the ag-grid javascript library.It can display large data in shiny.
stopauthor: Liripo
stopjs libraries: ag-grid
Build SVG Custom User Interface
stopauthor: bscui
stoptags: utility, general, visualization, SVG
stopjs libraries: bscui
An htmlwidget of the human body that allows you to hide/show and assign colors to 79 different body parts.
stopauthor: robert-norberg
stoptags: bioinformatics, crosstalk, general, SVG, visualization